Graholm Estate: 100th Birthday & Sale

One of the FABBEST estates in Montecito California is called Graholm where my dear friends Anne & Allen Sides have been living for the last 7 years. It was built in 1918 by David Gray, an early investor in the Ford Motor Company, and his wife as their winter home, and was later purchased by the Brooks family in 1952 and converted to the Brooks Institute of Photography. Since purchasing the estate, the Sides have been working on restoring her to her former glory, including removing all the parking spaces built for the school’s faculty & staff. (Parking lots are NOT FAB!! Ha!)
And now, on its 100th birthday, the Sides have decided to sell their fabulous home, and have invited my husband, me and other friends to celebrate its birthday and help them say goodbye to this amazing and historic property. I’m already suffering from separation anxiety!!
The lucky new owners who will assuredly continue the loving care of Graholm are Lynda Weinman & her husband Bruce Heavin, creators of, an online learning site for business and IT. They plan on completing its restoration.
Good luck to Lynda & Bruce & here’s to 100 more birthdays to come for the FABBEST Graholm!!!!
Please enjoy the article, Montecito Miscellany beginning on page 6:
And also read the article on the history of Graholm and David Gray: